How Often Should You Visit an Optometrist for an Eye Exam?

It's important to visit the optometrist regularly in order to maintain good vision and eye health. Learn more about how often you should have an eye exam.

How Often Should You Visit an Optometrist for an Eye Exam?

It's important to have a comprehensive eye exam at least every two years, according to the American Optometric Association (AOA). Even if you don't have any vision problems, it's important to have a routine check-up every few years. People with special risks, such as diabetes, previous eye trauma, surgery, or a family history of glaucoma, may need to visit the optometrist more often. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should have an eye exam every one to two years in order to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date.

During an eye exam, the optometrist will perform a variety of tests to assess your vision and eye health. Some tests are high-tech and others are more traditional, but all of them are designed to give you a better understanding of your eyes. Regular eye exams are the only way for the optometrist to identify any changes in vision or eye health. As we age, certain eye diseases can develop, so annual exams can help the optometrist keep track of any changes in vision. For children, their vision can change rapidly as they grow, so it's important to have annual eye exams.

In some cases, the optometrist or ophthalmologist may even ask them to visit every six months. Overall, it's important to visit the optometrist regularly in order to maintain good vision and eye health. Regular check-ups can help detect any changes in vision or eye health early on and prevent any further complications. If you have any questions about how often you should have an eye exam, be sure to speak with your optometrist.

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